I went to my Day Guild meeting today. September is the start of the *new year* after we have taken the summer months off. It was fun to see and catch up with everyone again. This guild is hosting a *paint chip* challenge.

Here is my chip. A table runner is due at the December meeting using the color of your *paint chip* in it somewhere. The fabric I found with this color in it...does not work for a table runner. A girl's charity quilt, yes! Well, maybe! A table runner for me, no! Wonder if I can bend the rules? Make a quilt instead of the table runner? or would I be labeled an *overachiever*?!
I loaded Jewels to prepare for quilting then washed the newly brought backing and much to my chagrin...I only have 3 yards of backing when I use 3.5 yards. yikes! Next up will be some creative sewing to get the back to size...oh well. :(

Instead of working on the backing, I made a lanyard out of notions fabric I found in the closet...and no, no peach in this piece of fabric! I followed the tutorial from Leah at
Sew Spoiled but for some reason~it won't appear now. :( I'll keep trying and maybe it will magically appear. :)
Well. I went to her blog, clicked on tutorials then click on lanyard and up it popped. Wonder if the
tutorial will link now?
That's it. That's my day so far. Tomorrow is the
Quilt Expo in Madison, Wisconsin.
Will attending the Quilt Show and Vendor Mall count towards a sewing activity~Day 10?!
Have a GREAT time tomorrow! Let yourself go outta control and buy whatever you like....the show only comes once a year! ;0)
I think if you just say that you have no use for a table runner it would be permissible. They were not supposed to be donated to some specific group once finished were they---you kept it for your own or whatever?
If they know you at all and read your blog, they will know that you give away most of the things you make---either to family, gifts for the teachers etc at school year's end, definitely QOV and shoot, I forget the name of the other group that would love to have quilts for boys and girls.
LOL, you have MY permission, in other words. Did you have any peach-y stuff in your stash?
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