Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Welcome Home! 9.1.2020

 My sewing space is just as I left it, except with a few upgrades from DH!

He hung my sewing quilt that was a gift from my MIL.

He hung the cork board up! Won't DD be surprised that I moved right into her cork board...lol

Also Baby remains covered up...soon, sweetie, soon...as soon as the last load of laundry finishes in the wash.

A few weeks ago, the FB Quilt of Valor Working Stars group had a challenge to see 'who' could make the most blocks from the current block drive. Our choices were from the following blocks:

1. 25 patch blocks using 2.5 inch rwb fabrics.

2. Ribbon star following the Quilter's Cache instructions.

3. Courage block from Persimmon Quilts

photo credit: 

all three of the above blocks were created and posted by members of the FB QoV Working Stars (who is NOT me!)

Which block did I choose to make to participate in this challenge?