Wednesday, July 31, 2024

WIP Wednesday 7.31.2024

I'm still working on the Casual Quilter's QOV's.

Number 2 in the pile has gotten the binding sewn onto the front.

 Number 3 has had a turn on DD (Dinosaur Diva).

Number 4 has had a turn on DD this afternoon.

Hubby and I were out 'running the lots' looking for a vehicle to tow behind the motorhome. This vehicle is referred to either as a 'dingy' or a 'toad'. We found a similar vehicle that we purchased for our daughter before she headed to Northern Michigan University in 2017! 

Sharing today with Susan at MidWeek Makers.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Design Wall Monday 7.29.2024

We took the motorhome to my in-laws' property in Northern Lower Michigan, Grayling to be exact. They have property on Lake Marguerite and acre (or maybe more, I lost count years ago!) with a pole barn (and a few other buildings!) on the north side of town. So we camped or 'boondocked' the motorhome at the pole barn and plugged in. Hubby was interested in listening to his Dad's stories, adventures and advice from his motor homing days.

I don't have any new projects planned, so no actual 'Design Wall Monday'. I did load Casual Quilters' QOV #2 onto the frame and quilted it. Next up will be to sew the binding in preparation for handing this one off to the binding lady. Then it will be a matter of 'rinsing and repeating' for the next 7 Casual Quilter's QOV's.

pattern: rail fence alternated with patriotic print - public domain
                (rails cut at 3 inches x 8 inches and print cut at 8 inches square)
panto: serpentine

Sharing today with Judy at Design Wall Monday.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

SoScrappy Saturday 7.27.2024

Today is the fourth Saturday of July of the color aqua.

This month's theme for Joy's 2024 Table Scraps is butterflies. Time for my Meals on Wheels place mats.

I'm beginning to think that I take this Table Scraps challenge a little too literally! LOL In any event, off to Pinterest I went to look for butterfly blocks. I've been wanting to do a butterfly block with my crumbs but I haven't quite worked that one out in my mind, yet...

I did settle on this 10 inch block. 

credit: somewhere on Pinterest

I decided to use some of my aqua leftovers and made the blocks.

I added a few simple borders to bring them to 12.5 x 15.5 inches...Livingston County, Michigan Meals on Wheels preferred size...did a little diagonal quilting on Baby (my domestic Brother machine) and added binding in another bit of leftover aqua. This just about clears out my aqua fabric...LOL I do kinda like them but wonder if I would like them better if I snowballed all four corners of the wings??

pattern: see above from Pinterest
quilting: diagonal squibbles on Baby (domestic Brother machine)

Sharing today with SoScrappy Saturday and

Friday, July 26, 2024

Finish or NOT Friday 7.26.2024

I had quite a bit of success with my unofficial 'tidy up' list.

First, I finished the NICU quilt. I used some leftover strata from ScooterDogs quilt (blogged here) and did put some away for a future unknown project. I did have a seam come open during long arming so I added a sweet little heart to cover up my oops.

pattern: rail fence (public domain)
panto: serpentine

Second, I made the QOV labels, sewed them onto the quilts and even added my name to the label. I always put this task off for way too long. It's done now! and I have a nice liitle stash of the labels made so no reason to procrastinate!

Third, I loaded up the QOV's from above and meet Lynn to replenish her stash. I gave her 13 quilts...a baker's dozen. In return, she gave me 7 Casual Quilters' QOV's that need quilting. Some also need backs and binding and all need batting!

Fourth, I already have 2 Casual Quilters' QOV's that only need quilting and I was home early enough to get the first one quilted. I also sewed the binding to the front and will turn it in for someone else to do the hand sewing. I'm not an over-achiever, rather I tend to 'lose things'. If the binding is sewn to the quilt then I won't misplace it! LOL  I snapped the picture BEFORE I sewed the binding on :()

pattern: rail fence in basket weave setting (public domain)
panto: serpentine

Fifth, I worked on my Aqua Butterflies but that is tomorrow's post.

Sharing today with Alycia at Finish or NOT Friday.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

WIP Wednesday 7.24.2024

I'm making progress on my 'tidy up' list.

First I finished piecing the baby NICU quilt with the leftover white/grey/black strata. This went really fast!

I also worked on making labels for the Quilts of Valor. I have more labels to make.

I also quilted and started the binding for the next QOV from Carol/New Hampshire.

Sharing today with Susan at MidWeek Makers.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Design Wall Monday 7.22.2024

I have a few strata and strips leftover from the ScooterDog Cherydale quilt.

pattern: Cherrydale from Villa Rosa Designs
panto: serpentine

So, I put the extras on the design wall.

This week, I'm going to try and tie up some loose ends.

First, I want to make the labels for the Quilts of Valor. I ordered the labels back in February so, it's past time to make them!

Next, I have four Quilts of Valor to quilt down. Two are from Carol/New Hampshire/FB QOV Stars group. This is number 4 out of 5. Notice my old cutting table in the background, it is now my QOV staging area. I try to keep the QOV supplies separated from my own supplies, except the roll of batting belongs to me! The other two are form the Casual Quilter's Quilt Guild.

On Sunday, we took the motorhome out for a drive. It has a new nickname, 'Barn-a-bus'. The kids and I like the nickname. Hubby...not so much! LOL

Sharing today with Judy at Design Wall Monday.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Finish or NOT Friday 7.19.2024

I have a finish! Not only that! but I finished it in time for Show and Share on Wednesday! Yay!

The MelonHeads Picnic theme was 'Dog Day Afternoon' with every thing dogs! Here is my completed dog quilt.

pattern: Cherrydale from Villa Rosa Designs
panto: serpentine

I orginally brought the dogs on scooters to make a 3 yard quilt but then I came across the pile of white/grey/black 2.5 inch strips already cut and *knew* the pattern Cherrydale would be a good fit. I am very happy with how it turned out and know it will brighten a child's day at it's forever home!

Sharing today with Alycia at Finish or NOT Friday.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

WIP Wednesday (on Thursday!) 7.18.2024

Little Penguin was right!

Once I started piecing the parts of the Cherrydale pattern from Vila Rosa went quick!

pattern: Vila Rosa Designs Cherrydale.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Design Wall Monday 7.15.2024

I worked a little late Sunday night on my next project, Cherrydale by Villa Rosa Designs.

 Today I worked more and got all the parts pieced.

pattern: Cherrydale by Villa Rosa Designs

Sharing today with Judy at Design Wall Monday.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

SoScrappy Saturday 7.13.2024

Today is the second Saturday of July of the color aqua.

Time for my Hollow Nine blocks.

 pattern: Hollow Nines: public domain

Sharing with SoScrappy Saturday.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

WIP Wednesday 7.10.2024

Today's report is VACATION!

I stole a few pictures from family. I left my phone and watch in the cottage while we were boating. :)

First, Angie had her first trip across the Mackinaw Bridge.

Then we had a whole day of pontooning. While Angie and I napped, DH and DD went on the Seadoos.

At night, DH and DD tried their hand at cooking over the fire. The meal was a yummy success!

At the end of the night, we were treated to a beautiful sunset and smores.

Today has dawned rainy but there is a new Goodwill in town to visit. LOL

No sewing but it will wait for me until next week...

Monday, July 8, 2024

Design Wall Monday 7.8.2024

We are in prep/vacation mode here at Bell Creek Quilts. While hubby was dressing the tree bases with rocks then washing the windows, I was working on trimming some scraps into usable pieces. I decided on 6.5 x 6.5 inch squares, 4.5 x 4.5 inch squares, 2.5 x 2.5 inch squares, 2.5 x 4.5 in rectangles, 2.5 inch strips and 3.5 inch strips.

First I sorted out the patriotics from the cutting table pile.

Then I moved onto the solid or solid reading fabrics. I did find a few pinks that look like they would make good hst's.

Next it was time for the novelties.

I also had another bin and bag of red, whites and blues. So I sorted those, too. I found the rail fence blocks in red/gray and believe it or not...the rectangles are 2.5 x 4.5 inches!

I did pull and start to cut for a dog quilt but I was having trouble concentrating. Better to leave it and return when I can focus.

I have another Marshall's bag full of fabric leftovers that need to be sorted and cut into usable pieces. Maybe that will be my August goal. :)

pattern: Cherrydale from Villa Rosa.

I'll be heading out in a little bit to meet up with DD at my in-laws cottage. We are spending a few days there then retuning to Bell Creek Quilts. Next Saturday, we are hosting our first Family Picnic. Family is coming in from Texas, Wisconsin, Virginia and of course, Michigan to visit with each other!

Sharing today with Judy at Design Wall Monday.