In January, I posted my Quilter's Code.
Let's see how I did!
A. Promise Quilts and Things. Made a few quilts and things for family/friends. Still need to make a few more. Seems like I just can't say, 'No'. but hey, that's okay! :)
B. Gift Quilts. Made a few gift quilts, piano teacher, 6th grade teacher, birthdays. I love to make a quilt for special occasions that occur.
C. Donation Quilts and Things. Made a few Cancer Recovery totes, a few QOV's for Alycia and few children's quilts for Carin at Margaret's Hope Chest.
D. Dinosaur Projects. I actually used *older* fabric and made quilts for the children of Margaret's Hope Chest's Prison Ministry. A perfect fit for me!
A good quilt year for me. and yes, I did use over 100 yards from the stash! yea!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
WIP Wednesday
Well...WIP Wednesday really is an oxymoron for me today! I have NO works in progress nor do I plan on starting ANY!
I did arrive home safely with only minor traffic slowdowns and a bit of a snow squall through Chicago. :) Since then, I have been enjoying the Milwaukee Admirals' High School Hockey Showdown as my local high school was invited to participate. Turns out the neighbor boy~young man~ plays on the high school team and is a pretty good skater! There are also a few home games this week for the Ads~
What is a post without a picture or two?!
Here is my quilt-y haul this Holiday Season. I've gotten to the point in quilt making (10 years now!) where I need to start replacing my tools. A few new rulers as the markings are worn off the old ones, a nine slat ruler holder, just a few 60 mm blades :), the rotary mat~my old one actually had grooves at the zero mark on all sides where I *true* my fabric and the latest book in the Elm Creek series! Pretty good, I'd say!
I'll be back later in the week for my 2010 Year in Review along with some 2011 Year Goals and Winter 2011 goals...see you then...
I did arrive home safely with only minor traffic slowdowns and a bit of a snow squall through Chicago. :) Since then, I have been enjoying the Milwaukee Admirals' High School Hockey Showdown as my local high school was invited to participate. Turns out the neighbor boy~young man~ plays on the high school team and is a pretty good skater! There are also a few home games this week for the Ads~
What is a post without a picture or two?!
I'll be back later in the week for my 2010 Year in Review along with some 2011 Year Goals and Winter 2011 goals...see you then...
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Stash Report Week #52
Congratulations to Everyone!
We are at the end of another sewing year! woohoo! Personally, I can hardly wait to start all over again at zero and watch my *numbers* both directions...! :)
Fabric added this week: +3 yards
Fabric added this year: +312 yards
Fabric used this week: -3 yards
Fabric used this year: -429.5 yards
Net fabric for the year: -117.5 yards! woohoo!
We are at the end of another sewing year! woohoo! Personally, I can hardly wait to start all over again at zero and watch my *numbers* both directions...! :)
Fabric added this week: +3 yards
Fabric added this year: +312 yards
Fabric used this week: -3 yards
Fabric used this year: -429.5 yards
Net fabric for the year: -117.5 yards! woohoo!
What I accomplished this week:
- completed various Holiday links as all this is scheduled to appear. :)
Goals for next week:
- none...I'm on vacation!
Happy Holidays! and Happy New Year!
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Last of the Christmas Gifts...
...I made the two runners from my MIL's cow fabric, as requested. :)
I wasn't quite sure of a pattern so I simply, framed out 6.5 inch squares so as not to chop up the cute cows. I then alternated the cows up versus down. I sewed the borders on *backwards* to me so that the cows are actually standing correctly when one is sitting at the table and looking at it!
I quilted it with Happy Times panto from Willow Leaf Studio~their website is down for maintenance otherwise I would link back. :)
Friday, December 24, 2010
A Few More Gifts
Although *no one* claims to know exaclty how the *After Party Party* started, I theorize it began as a way for my brother and his family to celebrate their Christmas while away from their home when the children were small. :) Their children are no longer small but the *out of towners* gather at my Mom's and exchange small gifts to each other.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Winter Solstice

Today I would normally review my goals for the last three months and set new goals for the next three months. Seeing that it is so very close to the end of the year, I think I will wait and Review The Year then set goals. Sound like plan?!
Please be patient with me as I am knee deep in trying to finish my sewing projects for gifts! If you leave a comment I will be delayed in responding...thanks for understanding!
Image from Google Image Search: Winter Solstice.
Article found here.
A Few Gifts
My family traditionally opens our gifts to each other the Sunday before Christmas Day since we are usually out of town visiting our relatives! Well~for the past 7 years that is!
My quilty gift this year is this wonderful packet of Island Batiks Fat Quarters from DS and his GF! Aren't the fabrics just yummy! It will definitely take me a year or two to make a quilt so that I can enjoy this pack as long as possible!
Next up is the Dog Quilt that is a combination gift for DH and DD. They gifted me the dog border fabric Christmas 2008. DH has been after me to make something~so ta-daa! As you can see~DD immediately took possession and it is on her bed. :)
*They* will have to work out the joint custody arrangement!
pattern: Mock Trip Around the World by Quilting Assistant.
panto: Happy Times by Willow Leaf Studio (site down 12/21/10)
*They* will have to work out the joint custody arrangement!
pattern: Mock Trip Around the World by Quilting Assistant.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Stash Report Week #51
Okay! Are you ready?!
Fabric added this week: 0 yards (woohoo!)
Fabric added this year: +309 yards (ouch!)
Fabric used this week: -18 yards
Fabric used this year: -426.5 yards
Net fabric for the year: -117.5 yards! (used!)
What I accomplished this week:
Fabric added this week: 0 yards (woohoo!)
Fabric added this year: +309 yards (ouch!)
Fabric used this week: -18 yards
Fabric used this year: -426.5 yards
Net fabric for the year: -117.5 yards! (used!)
What I accomplished this week:
- some really BIG Holiday gifts~pictures after gifted!
- some really small Holiday gifts~pictures after gifted!
Goals for next week:
- believe it or not~finish some Holiday gifts :)
Friday, December 17, 2010
The Christmas Whirlwind Continues...
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
WIP Wednesday
I finished the binding on Super Secret project #1...yea!
Now onto the bindings on Super Secret projects #2 and 3~but first there is laundry, grocery shopping, band concerts, labels, birthday card making, holiday cooking and shopping for presents!
Hang in there with me! Our whirlwind Holiday Season is upon us! :)
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Stash Report Week #50
Wow! 50 weeks of stash reports~where has the year gone?!
Fabric added this week: +5 yards
Fabric added this year: +309 yards
Fabric used this week: -8.5 yards
Fabric used this year: -408.5 yards
Net fabric for the year: -99.5 yards
What I accomplished this week:
Fabric added this week: +5 yards
Fabric added this year: +309 yards
Fabric used this week: -8.5 yards
Fabric used this year: -408.5 yards
Net fabric for the year: -99.5 yards
What I accomplished this week:
- bound Purple Treasures
- pieced and quilted Super Secret #1
- pieced Super Secret #2
Goals for next week:
- bind Super Secret #1
- quilt and bind Super Secret #2
- work on more Holiday projects!
Sorry I can't share more photos in posts but, some gifts need to remain secret! I'll share after the Holidays, pinky promise! :)
Saturday, December 11, 2010
A New Start...
Friday, December 10, 2010
A Little Peek...
Block parts here and border fabric here. I am quilting with Happy Times panto from Willow Leaf Studio.
Yep...I'm about 3 inches longer on the top than the bottom~not a good thing!
Right about then I was grateful for a few things:
a. I was quilting this and could fix the problem
b. When asked at JAF the other day, "Would you like the remnant?" I said , "Yes" . Although I really didn't want to have to count *it* *in*. :)
c. Valerie has zippers on her canvas leaders~till this point I had never zipped it on or off for that matter.
d. I was able to sew a little more to the bottom and managed NOT sew in the top, batting or canvas! and I did actually sew the right sides together! :)
e. I had started this secret project early enough in the day so that I could fix the problem, finish the quilting and hide it away before the giftie (DD) arrives home from school!
So after about 30 minutes I was able to quilt the last row...and now it is time for lunch.
Have a wonderful weekend, all!
The Milwaukee Admirals play a 3-in-3 weekend...that means they have a game Friday night, Saturday night and Sunday afternoon! Tonight is in Rockford, Illinois but Saturday and Sunday's games are at the Bradley Center~you'll find me at the rink this weekend!
section 206 on Saturday and section 220 on Sunday...if you do, indeed, need me! I'll be ringing my cowbell! :)
Go Ads!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
WIP Wednesday
panto: popcorn from Willow Leaf Studio
Monday, December 6, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Stash Report Week #49
Eh gads, gang!
I'm going in the wrong direction!
Fabric added this week: +10 yards
Fabric added this year: +304 yards
Fabric used this week: -2 yards
Fabric used this year: -400 yards
Net fabric for the year: -96 yards
What I accomplished this week:
I'm going in the wrong direction!
Fabric added this week: +10 yards
Fabric added this year: +304 yards
Fabric used this week: -2 yards
Fabric used this year: -400 yards
Net fabric for the year: -96 yards
What I accomplished this week:
- pieced Purple Treasures to a flimsy
- made 4 cowbell bags
Goals for next week:
- quilt and bind Purple Treasures
- work on more Holiday projects
Saturday, December 4, 2010
I Had Great Plans...
...but, they didn't happen!
I was going to sew and quilt the day away with the FAB's as we make a *push* with our Holiday sewing.
Before breakfast, I did manage to sew the last Traveling Tote (pattern by Terry Atkinson). These little beauties are flannel lined so that our cowbells won't get scratched any more than they currently are, when I cram them into my Milwaukee Admirals' game bag. The black one is my cowbell~I'm currently collecting players' signatures and when it's filled then I will paint a clear protective coat on it.
Instead, DH brought up my Holiday decorations containers. Now Mary, Joseph, the Shepards and Wise Men are awaiting baby Jesus, the stockings are hung by the fireplace, the Nutcrackers are standing watch, my Santas are all collaborating on gifts, the sleigh bells are hung by the door, the Santa plates are in the cupboard along with my holiday coffee mug collection and the lighted garland is placed in the mud room~all ready to Welcome the Holiday Spirit into Bell Creek Quilts.
Today Mother Nature did not disappoint as we are covered with about 3 inches of snow. The first of this season! :)
I was going to sew and quilt the day away with the FAB's as we make a *push* with our Holiday sewing.
Instead, DH brought up my Holiday decorations containers. Now Mary, Joseph, the Shepards and Wise Men are awaiting baby Jesus, the stockings are hung by the fireplace, the Nutcrackers are standing watch, my Santas are all collaborating on gifts, the sleigh bells are hung by the door, the Santa plates are in the cupboard along with my holiday coffee mug collection and the lighted garland is placed in the mud room~all ready to Welcome the Holiday Spirit into Bell Creek Quilts.
Today Mother Nature did not disappoint as we are covered with about 3 inches of snow. The first of this season! :)
Purple Crumb Treasures Update
Sometimes I wonder exactly *how many* crumb quilts are actually lurking in the scrap boxes waiting patiently to be made and loved by someone...
+4 yards dots.
+6 yards hockey :)
+10 yards total added.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Holiday Cards!
Many THANKS to my very talented friend, Maureen (craft blog here and travel blog here) for sharing her Holiday card ideas and directions! Isn't she awesome!
Thanks again, Maureen!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Design Wall Tuesday
Monday, November 29, 2010
Stash Report Week #48
I also added a yard each of the purple and teals. DD suggested a purple Treasures Quilt for the Christmas exchange with green sashings but when I saw this purple and teal on the sale rack...well, it just followed me home for this project.
Fabric added this week: +10 yards
Fabric added this year: +294 yards
Fabric used this week: -1 yard
Fabric used this year: -398 yards
Net fabric for the year: -104 yards
What I accomplished this week:
Goals for next week:
- work on Christmas gifts!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Some *Me* Sewing
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Stash Report Week#47
I shopped a little and I had two finishes. Another somewhat, balanced week.
Fabric added this week: +7.5 yards
Fabric added this year: +284 yards
Fabric used this week: -17 yards
Fabric used this year: -397 yards
Net fabric for the year: - 113 yards (used!)
What I accomplished this week:
Fabric added this week: +7.5 yards
Fabric added this year: +284 yards
Fabric used this week: -17 yards
Fabric used this year: -397 yards
Net fabric for the year: - 113 yards (used!)
What I accomplished this week:
- quilt and bound Triple Treat Petite
- pieced, quilted and bound Blue Cypress
- posted quilts to Margaret's HOPE Chest
No goals for this week as the family will be home (DH off work, DD & DS off school) for our Thanksgiving! Enjoy your week in whatever you choose to do! :)
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Blue Cypress
You will not be disappointed!
I do wish, however that I had used more tone on tone prints in this Blue Cypress. Since it uses fq and I cut from yardage, I have enough for another Cypress Quilt already cut and bundled.
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