Friday, November 13, 2020

Whoop! Whoop! 11.13.2020

 Happy Friday the 13th!

I have a couple of finishes to share today.

First up is my Star Row Quilt.

pattern credit: 

second row: my take on wonky meets floating stars

panto credit: large scribbles

My second quilt finish is Falling Leaves.

pattern inspiration: Falling Leaves
panto credit: Fern Gully

I also volunteered to quilt a few QOV's for my new guild: Casual Quilter's of Brighton. The quilt tops are all paired with a back and I was given a roll of batting to use.  ðŸ˜€


Kim said...

Hello, fellow Michigander! I like how you've combined a variety of stars into one quilt. Very creative.

KatieQ said...

Wow! Your Star quilt is amazing. I love the way you gathered star block patterns from different sources and found a way to make them work together. Some lucky Vet will treasure this quilt. Thanks for sharing your work and providing inspiration.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Those are both so pretty! I love the combination of so many different star blocks in your first one. And the falling leaves make a fun design on top of the strippy background, too!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Awesome quilt finishes!! Have fun with those QOV quilts!

Karen's Korner said...

Well done on your lovely finishes.

Bonnie said...

Nice finishes. I’m really loving falling leaves. It is fresh looking. And another example how Fern Gully works on so many quilts. Did you also use it on the borders? It’s hard to tell on the photo. Your star quilt is very clever. That’s a nice grouping of stars. Recently I’ve been enamored with Ribbon Star. Someday I may need to make a whole quilt with it!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

LOVE that star row quilt!! how pretty!! and a great idea!