Monday, November 29, 2021

Design Wall Monday 11.29.2021


I realized this morning that I needed to make and send a Santa Gift exchange that I signed up for on my FB Quilts of Valor Working Stars group! 

I then realized that:

1. I wanted to make a pincushion I never made before and
2. I am a little rusty at the grocery bags construction.

So, I decided to make a 'dry run', so to speak. Make it once to hopefully work any kinks out of the construction process.

1. The Pinwheel Pincushion. Ummm, cut off a few points. Need to make a few adjustments...LOL I picked RWB in keeping with the QOV theme. This picture shows the only true point...

2. The Re-usable Grocery Sack. Figures, I cut the liner wrong. This is why I need to practice first! LOL but you would never know!

I'll post again with the actual contents of the Santa Exchange once I know my partner received her gifts!

1 comment:

Laurel said...

Love the Reusable Grocery Bag!!! Have made several of them and plan to sew some up quickly for Christmas gifts for my Zumba galpals.