WOW! That's a lot of snow!

My mini-van was buried under...I was a good Mom and let DS park in the garage in my spot just in case he had school today. School was cancelled, he blew about 6 inches off the driveway then scooted out of here with a wave and mumbling, "I gotta do some Christmas shopping!" DH was out at 6:00 am and blew about 6 inches off the drive, too.

Which left me to the task of trying to clean off the mini-van. Another disadvantage of being short...unable to knock all the snow off. I was going to pull into the garage as it is heated but I didn't want all the snow to melt onto the Corvette (which sits in the 3rd slot of the garage all cozy and warm and covered!)
New around a bit and have the snow blow off. Right now, DD has a friend over so the great snow blowing drive will wait to later.

Check this out...I had to dig out the paper slot to get today's newspaper. Something just seems wrong here...maybe both DH and DS blew the snow in. The neighbor's was high and dry...figures, eh? :)

And what is a trip outside without Daisy Doggie? She is totally unaffected by the weather when it comes to playing with her tennis ball. Today she had quite a few snowballs adhering to her fur. So I got out her brush/rake and raked the snow out...she was mighty happy when that task was done as she doesn't like her fur brushed!
Sorry...not quilt-y but my life right now is full of other 'things'. DD and I made some muffins this morning and DS brought up about 2 weeks worth of laundry. Just think, I won't have to do his laundry again until next year! WooHoo! :) I know...a lame joke...but what can I say...did you smile?! :)
That's the Wisconsin I remember, Pat! And we have snow here, not as much as you, but enough to shut down everything in our hilly town. Lots of stuff, including school and choir practice, was canceled, and I've gotten a whole lot of stuff finished as a result! Now we are hoping to be able to get to the airport tomorrow night as a new blast from the north is predicted. Happy Holidays to you!
so much more snow at your place! wow!
good job on dealing with it and the dog too. Loved the cigar box idea.
looks like you will have a new influence with the Asian fabric
I smile as I sit here and wait for the dryer to buzz. Laundry is never ending at my house with four males.
That is a lot of snow. Daisy looks like she had fun in it. Our puppy would love it too.
Have fun with the family and have a great Christmas. Hugs to you all.
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