Monday, February 13, 2023

Design Wall Monday 2.13.2023

A long time ago, in a sewing studio far, far away, I made reversible St. Valentine/ St. Patrick's Day placemats. Well, my cute kiddos peeled off the after thought applique of the shamrocks and my St. Patrick's Day placemats are just looking sad. 

I had brought a yard or two of shamrock fabric back at Christmas time with the intentions of making placemats for our local Meals on Wheels. You're right! That didn't happen and I boosted the fabric to make my own St. Patrick's Day placemats! 

Imagine that...I indulged in a little 'guilty sewing' as my quilting buddy used to call it when 'me sewing happened'!

The pieced placemats. I did make one more dark one. I actually have a bigger kitchen table here at the new house. I found the Irish Blessing fabric deep in the closet. Now I just have a few scraps of it left. LOL. 

Sharing with Judy at Design Wall Monday.


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Those are fun, Pat! I love green - it's such a refreshing color. I must be ready for Spring!

Marti said...

That sounds exactly what my kids would have done, and my grandsons for sure. I love the new placemats. "me sewing" is a good thing.

Judy S. said...

Nice save! I love that Irish Blessing and have a stitchery of it hanging in our hall. It's great that you took a little time out for "me sewing!" You deserve it after all those QOVs you made.