Wednesday, July 19, 2023

WIP Wednesday 7.19.2023

The USA Gnomes have taken front and center in the sewing room. I started with this funky blue fabric and used a few white charms as the cornerstones. I had received this blue in a fabric bundle I won online and just couldn't find a place to use it!

I then started alternating the blue and red charms for the next border with white cornerstones. It was going pretty good until I realized that I was going to run out of blue and red charms after this border. Ooops. I should have sprinkled in a few more lights...

This is the size of the Hillside Charm pattern needs to be just a little bigger for Quilts of Valor.

A red border to the rescue...

Sharing today with Susan at MidWeek Makers


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That is fun as can be, Pat! It looks like that blue goes perfectly with the gnomes, and your charm squares, too. A special veteran is going to love that one!

Delighted Hands said...

Utter perfection!!! What a great way to grow a quilt! lol