Monday, June 17, 2024

Design Wall Monday 6.17.2024

I have two projects I want to  report on. 

The first is another 'Birthday Month' item. This one is the fabric pull for the month of August. I decided to buy 1 yard of beach themed fabric. August reminds me of the hot sun and playing in the sandbox and swimming at my childhood's friend's pool. Mary adjusted her Quick Strippie to an even Quicker Strippie

pattern: Mary's Quicker Strippie

My second project is a FB QOV Working Stars sew-a-long called Big Pathway to the Stars. This one is hosted by Lisa Sutherland. The pattern is a free download (for a limited time) if you are a member of the FB QOV Working Stars group (membership fee is $5.00/year). Here is my fabric draw. I might be a little short on the light as I don't have the full 2 yards that Lisa reccomnds.

pattern: Big Pathway to the Stars by Lisa Sutherland

Sharing today with Judy at Design Wall Monday.


Bonnie said...

I like the Quicker Strippy. I've used Mary's idea of a strippy quilt but changed it based on the fabric I had available. I like this one even better. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with your fabs. Nice patriotic stars project too. That'll keep you in the studio during this heat wave. Stay cool and sew, sew, sew.

Sara said...

Love those beach themed fabrics. They will be perfect for Mary's Strippee pattern - one of my favorite go-to quilts for kids.

And wow - that QOV is going to be awesome!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That beach print looks like a page out of an I Spy book! I like the QOV pattern, too. Neat big stars and diagonal setting!

Delighted Hands said...

What a very pretty quilt design! I think you will enjoy working on this project!