Saturday, June 15, 2024

SoScrappy Saturday 6.15.2024

Today is the third Saturday of June of the color blue. I'm running a week behind in my RSC updates so in this post, I present to you my Hollow Nine Patches.

pattern: Hollow Nines (public domain)

In June, I pull out my pile of blocks and take a look at them. I 'see' I am a few short...

I found a few 2.5 inch square scraps and filled in the holes.

I continue to be pleasantly surprised at the Rainbow Scrap (or Stash!) Challenge. I make a few blocks every month and the block piles grow quickly!

Sharing today with SoScrappy Saturday.


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That is a pretty collection of blocks, Pat! I love seeing all the colors on your design wall like that. Also, it reminds me that I have another hollow 9 patch to stitch!

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Pretty blocks! Hollow nine patch is a real winner. And a scrap buster!

Delighted Hands said...

I like the way you stagger the colors like this!!! The blues look great!

Jenny said...

Hollow Nines are popping up in blogs everywhere. They are lovely little blocks.

The Joyful Quilter said...

What a lovely collection of RSC blocks, Pat!