Friday, June 14, 2024

Finish or NOT Friday 6.14.2024


My finish this week is an abstract one! Last night was the Wrap Party for the guild 'Birthday Bash' Challenge that has run from September 2023 thru June 2024 that I was the admin. I was so busy that I didn't get any pictures of the event but I am happy to report that I considered it a success as we had 12 members participated with 20 entries!

I started with two Trinket Bins for the members present, blogged here.

and...this is what I came home with! 

Everyone was very happy that I had a little trinkets (and some helped themselves to two or three items!) instead of one large gift.

Stretching it and sharing with Alycia at Finish or NOT Friday.


1 comment:

Delighted Hands said...

Who wouldn't be thrilled with the swag you provided!!! Good ideas!