Monday, June 29, 2020

Design Wall Monday 6.29.2020

I had two small moving boxes jammed full of leftover RWB fabric from about 13 years of QOV-ing. Yesterday I decided to tackle the easier box and today, I'm working my way through the other box. I'm ironing the fabric and then cutting it into sizes that I use the most. My sizes are 2.5 inch strips, 3.5 inch strips, 4.5 inch strip by WOF (for a new pattern I want to try!), 4.5 inch squares and 6.5 inch squares. I did find a few 5 inch squares but I elected NOT to cut more. I did manage to find a few stray FQ's, too.

Here is what I've managed to cut. I should add that if it was at least 18 inch x WOF, it went back into the yardage pile.

Also in the boxes, I found some orphan blocks. I'm going to let these marinate for a spell. I might do something with them or they might go back into the tote. Time will tell...

Linking up today with:

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