Saturday, June 20, 2020

Whoop! Whoop! 6.20.2020

Each day I get a little closer to sewing and quilting.

My sewing closet! along with a few miscellaneous things from the old card room.

My bookshelves for patterns and books and my fabric cabinets for larger cuts of fabric! I need to unpack the books and patterns...

My cutting area! I took down and destroyed my old design wall so to the left will be a new design wall, hopefully one that will be free standing. My old one needed to be propped up.

My piecing and ironing area, I think.

Once I start sewing and moving in the area, I'll be better able to fine tune the arrangement. It's a big open space to fill up!

and what's a quilting blog post without some fabric?!

Here are the orange starters.

Here are the orange crumb blocks made at the old house.

Linking up with:

Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict


Alycia at Finish of NOT Friday


Harriett said...

It all looks great. Loving your orange crumb blocks

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

WOW!!! THat is looking SO good!! I love your flooring too!