Wednesday, June 23, 2021

WIP Wednesday 6.23.2021

I'm plugging away on the dark scraps except I ran out. I headed to the local box store with the idea of picking up a few fat quarters but they didn't have any I even remotely liked. What's a girl to do? I found a small jelly roll that was black and white so I thought, 'why not?' and used my $5 reward to offset the cost. 

Here's where I'm at right now. I will add two more rows once I get these rows sewn together and have more space on the design wall. I have enough blocks for a 5 x 7 set of 12 inch blocks so it should be about 60 x 84 before quilting. After I have it sewn into a flimsy, I'll cut apart my sweatshirt for a template and 'evaluate'...

I thought my blacks were 'black' but I have lots of white mixed into the fabrics. Fingers crossed that this whole idea doesn't backfire on me!

pattern credit: crumb blocks, public domain

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