Wednesday, June 19, 2024

WIP Wednesday 6.19.2024

The August beach quilt went together fast! I added two more borders to make it a bit wider and longer.

pattern: Mary's Quicker Strippie

I also worked on my Big Pathway to the Stars. I was a little short on the white and then I had a mis-cut! Oh no...I'm missing a few blocks.

I was able to buy more light and finished out the quilt top.

pattern: Big Pathway to the Stars by Lisa Sutherland
                It was a free sew-a-long (and download!) from the 
                    FB QOV Working Stars group

Sharing today with Susan at MidWeek Makers


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Two wonderful quilts, Pat! I love the blue and yellow borders for the beach quilt. And that big star design is really neat. Those are both going to be really loved!

Delighted Hands said...

Fantastic!!!! You did a great job on this one and I am so glad you could buy more of the white to match!