Monday, November 20, 2023

Design Wall Monday 11.20.2023

 I wasn't sure exactly 'what' I wanted to work on this week. After all, here in the US, Thursday is Thanksgiving and a few of my in-laws will be at my home. Then on Friday, I scheduled my COVID booster and first Shingles vaccines. I'm planning on being sick Friday, Saturday and possibly Sunday. DH is scheduled to go to the cottages to help with the renovations on the rental unit. I figured if I'm not feeling up to making lunch and/or's best to be alone!

I decided to pull out a partial project that I picked up on the free table at guild. There were a few blocks completed. A few strip sets sewn together, strips cut and a bit of fabric. I've been watching the free tables for possible 'go with's'.

Sharing with Judy at Design Wall Monday.


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your chosen project is pretty and cheery - looks like a good one for a busy week. I got my shingles shots earlier this year, and felt fine after the first one and not so great after the second. Glad to have that done, though, and I bet you will be, too!

Bonnie said...

Oh you got a wonderful project beginning. I love the colors. Are you going to add some of your own? I hope you are recuperating with minimal problems from your shots. I am so tired of getting shots but I keep showing up for the boosters. I've been fairly lucky with the shots I've been getting -- no major impacts except a sore arm. Last time I got the covid booster and the flu shot in the same arm but had a mid afternoon appt. By the next morning my arm was feeling pretty good.