Wednesday, February 17, 2021

WIP Wednesday 2.17.2021

 I started with parts for stars...

...and completed the wonky-ish stars yesterday. 

I still have a variety of 4.5 inch squares that I used for the centers. 

pattern credit:  QOV Wonky Stars
                        alternate wonky stars

I sorted through my 2.5 inch strips and pulled all the medium blues out, so more parts for the next part of this QOV puzzle, er, quilt! This may end up a busy, hot mess...time will tell.  ðŸ˜€

Since most of the US is covered in snow, we have been fortunate here in Michigan since we have not lost power due to the weather! Knock on wood...  

Here is my house picture:

My husband does a wonderful job of keeping the drive, walkways and mailbox clear of snow! He was also a sweetie and took my SUV and filled it with gas before the storm. Now, it has a really big tank and hubby *knew* I wasn't going anywhere in the snow but filled it anyway! Best Valentine gift, ever! 💕

Linking up with Susan at MidWeek Makers


Gretchen Weaver said...

That was very kind of your husband to fill the gas tank. I always try to keep the gas tank above half full in the winter. Glad you've kept your electric. Wonky stars are very pretty, happy stitching!

Susan said...

Great looking wonky stars!

Quiltpiecer said...

Those wonky stars are so patriotic! So glad for your good fortune.