Monday, October 10, 2022

Design Wall Monday 10.10.2022


I did a thing, well two things related to my sewing.

First thing: When I dropped off the QOV Signature Quilts (blogged here), I asked for a few more blocks so I could make another quilt with the leftovers. My blocks ended up being 7.5 inches square as I made a sewing error when I was sewing them at the AQS QuiltWeek on a borrowed machine. Lynn let me look through the bag of Signature blocks to find the ones that I could trim without interfering with the writing. I found what I needed and then, bam! I said the words...I'll just take the whole bag since I brought a couple bolts of patriotic fabric. I'm pretty sure that I over promised on this! The blocks in front will be cut down to 7.5 inches. The big baggie is what I will sew out of when I need to rest my brain and sew plain blocks together!

Thing 2: I am finally biting the bullet and sewing my 'spare parts' that are multi-colored into crumb blocks. I pulled out two bins of 'spare parts'.

I also pulled out my 2.5 inch strip bins because sometimes you just need some calm fabric!

From Saturday afternoon, Sunday and this morning, I have made about 150 6.5 inch square multi-colored crumb blocks. My goal is 400, I thinking about 5 or 6 different settings that I want to make to share next month at guild. They just might be tops and not quilted! 

Before I left the sewing room, I made more starters for my next sewing session. I find that since I am planning 5 or 6 quilts, I don't mind if I make 5 or 6 blocks similar (or the same!)

Sharing with Judy at Design Wall Monday


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That sounds like a sewing marathon with your multi-colored scraps! I'm impressed! It will be fun to see what you do with them. Good luck with the patriotic blocks, too - you know they will be appreciated!

Deb said...

Wow , that is a lot of crumb blocks. Good thing you have a plan for them. I find something or somewhere always presents itself! I used a bunch of my ticker tape crumb blocks for borders and some color family crumb fort Northern rescue donations! Quilting finds a way. Have fun stitching!