Monday, June 3, 2024

Design Wall Monday 6.3.2024

Before vacation, I started another 'Quilter's Birthday Bash' for all the June birthdays. In June, I think of Father's Day so I collected fabrics that reminded me of my Dad. There is a pattern that I've been wanting to try so this is a great opportunity!

Here is my fabric collection for my Father's Day quilt. When it's finished I am going to donate it as my Dad passed away close to 27 years ago.

pattern inspired by Pinterest but a dead link. :(  

I am going to make my hst's with the strip tube method.

Sharing today with Judy at Design Wall Monday.


Delighted Hands said...

What a beautiful quilt pattern and great tribute to your Dad!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That's a neat design to feature the car fabric! Someone's really going to love that one!

Judy S. said...

Fun fabric! Your dad would be very proud of you.