Monday, July 19, 2021

Design Wall Monday 7.19.2021

 A little late in the month but I just started my Debby Brown July Color Block Quilt, She Sells Seashells. I decided to match the colors of Debby's quilt, teal and cream. Here is the teal fabric pull.

When I work with yardage, I strip piece the 16 patch blocks. Here are the first half of the strip sets.

Here is my pile of blocks. Next step will to add the cream corners...

pattern credit: Debby Brown's July Color Block She Sells Seashells

Linking up with Judy at Design Wall Monday


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Such a pretty color! I'm ready to work with teal, too. I'll enjoy seeing what you do with these blocks!

AnnieO said...

Very pretty blocks. I rarely work with teal--though did recently, lol

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

This is going to be so pretty!!