Friday, July 23, 2021

Finish or NOT Friday 7.23.2021

I'll take the 'NOT' on the finish but I am inching closer to the finish line...

I decided to make this one queen size and 'to do' larger borders instead of more blocks. The easy and lazy way.... I have one more border to go. No need to adjust the is a bit wavy as happens with my slap and sew method. and no, it won't quilt out for me. I'm just going to live with it as is... LOL

 pattern credit: Debby Brown's She Sells Seashells

Linking up with Alycia at Finish or NOT Friday


Bonnie said...

Love the colors. No issue with extra borders to bring a quilt to size! I'm working on one now that I may very well make into a queen size quilt by using a few borders. Haven't decided yet.

Sherrill said...

I was in the 'not' category as well but have gotten it all sewn together and am now adding a couple of borders (just about like you..HA). Love the colors in your top. Is it for your bed?

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

What a gorgeous color combo!! this is a cool quilt!!