Wednesday, August 16, 2023

WIP Wednesday 8.16.2023

Today was the sew and lunch day at the Melon Patchers. I chose to take 4 quilts that needed labels, yes the labels I made earlier in the week! 

Here is most of the group. Lots of ladies brought their machines. Today's emphasis was on Charity (or Comfort) Sewing.

For some reason, I didn't end up with a lot of room. I was heading towards the empty round tables but was told that they were reserved for lunch so we could all eat together! I did manage to squeeze into a place and sew all four of the labels onto the Comfort quilts today! Yay!

One of the ladies brought door prizes but the drawing was going to be after lunch so I opted to stay. I didn't win a prize but I was able to make one yoyo...the blue one. I'm going to glue the yoyo's to clothes the one in the use at the QOV Booth at AQS QuiltWeek Grand Rapids. Sometimes the Signature squares need to dry just a pinch and last year we used the clothes pins to hang the blocks on the curtain backdrop in the booth. Not only does the ink dry but it's a fun way to decorate the booth. This year I'm either going to take clothesline or make something to act as a clothesline. Well see 'how' busy I am coming into the show dates.

pattern: Clover Extra Large yo yo maker

Sharing with Susan at MidWeek Makers.


Delighted Hands said...

Looks like a great day with other quilty friends!

Judy S. said...

Nice work on the charity quilts! And thanks for the reminder about yoyos; I'd totally forgotten about them.

Marsha Cooper said...

Now I know your use for the yo-yo glued to the clothespin :)