Monday, March 4, 2024

Design Wall Monday 3.4.2024

A new week, a new month and a new QOV Signature quilt in the works. In the end, I decided to split the remaining Signature squares and make two quilts with less squares. I guess I just wasn't feeling the 'please sign more QOV squares for me' the other day. LOL

Here is my current fabric gathering. The plan was to quilt down the tan squares QOV and start on this one Saturday. A leaking water heater sent into motion a whole different path for my weekend and Monday. I'm hoping I can catch up as next week is my self-imposed deadline to have the QOV Signature quilts done and delivered!!

Sharing today with Judy at Design Wall Monday.


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That flag fabric looks perfect to go with the signature blocks! You can do it, Pat!

Delighted Hands said...

I do like these fabrics you've chosen!!!!