Saturday, July 17, 2021

Finish or NOT Friday and SoScrappy Saturday

Since I missed my Finish or NOT Friday post, I decided to combine it with my SoScrappy Saturday post.

If you are visiting from Alycia's blog....WELCOME!

If you are visiting from Angela's blog....WELCOME!

First, Finish or NOT Friday 

Yes, I did make and apply the bias binding to my sweatshirt jacket. All in all, I'm pretty happy with it and I learned a lot. Hopefully, I'll remember my lessons. LOL I think this will be really warm, after all, I will be wearing a quilt!

pattern credit: I cut apart a sweatshirt and used those pieces as templates on a quilt panel and then sewed the parts back together.

Second, SoScrappy Saturday

This is the third Saturday of July of navy, brown or black. I choose to concentrate on navy/ dark blue. The third Saturday is my crayon day. I was a little worried that the black and darks would fade into each other. Time will tell when the whole quilt top is constructed.

pattern credit: Crayon...Pinterest has a ton!

Linking up with Alycia at Finish or NOT Friday and SoScrappy Saturday


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your quilted jacket looks just great, Pat! Did you make it for yourself, or someone else? I like the dark crayon, too. It will be a good contrast with the other colors!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Ohhh it looks so good!!!!! Now to get some cool weather to try it out!!!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Your Quilt Scrap Jacket looks AWESOME, Pat!! I don't have one in black, but that's a really good idea for a future project. By the way, wearing a quilt is one of my favorite things!!! (I've got at least 7 quilted jackets.)

Judy S. said...

Love your jacket, especially the lining! It's beautiful, and I'm sure you'll get lots of compliments! Yours is a bit different from mine. It has the pieces of fabic squares sewn in different patterns and directly onto the sweatshirt itself with the raw edges showing. The edges fray with washing and make the jacket even more interesting.