Wednesday, July 14, 2021

WIP Wednesday 7.14.2021

My project this week is to finish my quilted jacket. I put it aside and it was in danger of becoming a UFO!

So, I laid out my sweatshirt pieces on the quilt panel. I elected to keep the front and back as one large panel.

The 'Swiss cheese' that was leftover after the cutting. I dug out my pinking shears! I was happy to find them after this move. I have plenty of leftover to make a purse, too!

I sewed the parts.

One sleeve sewn on and one to go!

Both sleeves sewn on! Now to calculate, find and make the bias binding to enclose the raw edges.

I don't know very much about garment sewing. It's a little bulky under the arms...I'll need to do some research. I am aware that if I taper the sides then I'll need to adjust the sleeves, too. LOL I'm just not exactly sure how to achieve that! In the meantime, I'm pretty happy with this first attempt or as one would say in my science days 'dry run'.

Linking up with Susan at MidWeek Makers


Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Oh this is going to be cute!!!! The first photo - it looked like a vest with two holsters.... I thought maybe you were channeling John Wayne ;-)

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That is really neat, Pat! I like the lining, too. Kudos to you for figuring this out!