Monday, February 28, 2022

Design Wall Monday 2.28.2022

I decided to pull one more set of rwb fabrics for a quilt. This time I am going to make Debby Brown's January 2022 Color Block quilt Naptime. I already had the 16 patch blocks made as leaders/enders and the  6.5 inch (cut) patches are a selection of guessed, from the cupboard. The only thing I need to do is cut the framing strips, sew the blocks and assemble the top. I'm going with a 5 x 7 set so the quilt should roughly measure 60 x 84 before quilting.  Easy peazy...famous last words, right?! LOL

 pattern: Naptime, no borders

Linking up with Judy at Design Wall Monday

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Stop Tossing...A Military Mystery...Step 2!

Alycia released Step 2 of her Stop Tossing Mystery last Wednesday!

As I hoped, she instructed us to cut up the 9 patches from Step 1...

 and re-sew them into Disappearing 9 patches!

pattern: Stop Tossing Step 2


I changed out the panto to square spiral!

Here is the quilt from the front. It's a Casual Quilter's Guild QOV. You can *sorta* see the panto in the red sashing.

Here is the whole quilt.

pattern: hmmm...maybe a slice and turned jelly roll adaption?
panto: square spiral

Linking up with Cynthia at Oh Scrap!

Saturday, February 26, 2022

SoScrappy Saturday 2.26.2022

Today is the fourth Saturday of February of the color teal/aqua!

I decided to re-visit the teal/aqua leftovers and make some crumb blocks. I made little mini quilts using the decorative stitches on Baby. Somehow, I forgot to take pictures of this step...sorry. I then cut out a few shapes... a bunny, two flowers and a butterfly! I just need to add the hangers and buttons for my seasonal tree!

Linking up with SoScrappy Saturday and closing out the month of aqua/teal!

Friday, February 25, 2022

Finish or NOT Friday 2.25.2022

Welcome to Finish or NOT Friday!

I'll take 'Finish' today! 

Finish #1 is the QOV Block Drive Floating Churn Dash block quilt. I decided to set it on point as I hardly ever choose to do this setting!

panto: serpentine...I really need to change that out...LOL

Finish #2 is the Red Truck panel quilt.

pattern: simple 4.5 inch cut and 2.5 inch cut to surround. If this is your design...
                PLEASE claim and I'll give you credit!
panto: serpentine...still on the long arm table

Exciting news! I'm a doggie Grandma! DD adopted a dog from the Humane Society this week! I haven't heard her this excited in a long long time. I believe this is the start of a beautiful relationship! I feel DD needs Angie as much as Angie needs DD! 💗💗💗💗💗💗

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

WIP Wednesday 2.23.2022

 I decided on simple borders for the red truck panel. I needed some simple sewing days!!

Here is the first border, 4.5 inch cut. I did trim the panel right to the printing so no white from the selvages would show if, and when, my sewing was a little wonky.

For the smaller borders, I decided to use up some more 2.5 inch strips. They are various patterns with a mostly light background. Another wider blue border, but it needed more length so I added another light-ish border with red this time. Both the red and blue are cut at 4.5 inches.

I'm still liking it as this point and pretty happy about using the already cut light fabrics. 

BUT...this is where it got a little derailed... I did another border all the way around with the light-ish fabrics. It is very busy then used a darker blue as the final and outer border. The top/bottom blue is cut at 5.5 inches and the sides were cut at 4.5 inches.

My thoughts on this design:

1. To sew as is again,  I think the last 2.5 inch border should have been a calming (or resting) border. I think my eye rests on the clouds in the panel. LOL

2. If I were to change it up a bit, I would sew the panel borders horizontally to 60 inches. I would then build the top and bottom to 80 inches. I have 2 or 3 more horizontal oriented panels - different motifs - that I just might try that design...if I remember!

That's what I've been doing in me sewing space! What have YOU been sewing?

Linking up with Susan at MidWeek Makers

Monday, February 21, 2022

Design Wall Monday 2.21.2022

I decided it was time to make something quick and easy. I pulled the following panel and some fabric as go-with's. Quick and Easy is what I'm hoping for this one!!

 Look who's taking a turn with the binding! Floating Churn Dash...well - it's the back!

Linking up with Judy at Design Wall Monday

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Stop Tossing...a Military Mystery Quilt...Clue 1

 Alycia at Alycia Quilts released Clue 1 for her Stop Tossing...a Military Mystery Quilt last Wednesday.

Clue 1 is pretty straight forward and I finally found a few minutes to sew the patches together! Yay! Hmmmm...that bottom center is looking a little dark...

pattern: Stop Tossing Clue 1

I also loaded and quilted the Floating Churn Dash flimsy. I always am so happy when the batting comes off the floor. (FYI: I float the batting) This is a signal that I am approximately half way done with the quilting and closer to finishing than beginning. 


pattern credit: QOV Floating Churn Dash 

Linking up with Cynthia at Oh Scrap!

Saturday, February 19, 2022

SoScrappy Saturday 2.19.2022

Today is the third Saturday of February of the colors teal and aqua. Time for my Crumble Jumble blocks.

 pattern credit: Crumble Jumble from String Frenzy book by Bonnie Hunter

Linking up with SoScrappy Saturday

Friday, February 18, 2022

Finish or NOT Friday 2.18.2022

First! A Finish!


pattern inspiration: *Lisa Sutherland's Strippy Triangle Tango
                                *"wonky meets floating' stars

panto: serpentine

and a Flimsy!

pattern: QOV Floating Churn Dash set on point.

Somehow, my February has turned into a RWB (with just a smidge of teal and green) month!

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

WIP Wednesday 2.16.2022

 No progress to show on the Floating Churn Dash quilt.

My squirrel project this week: Shamrocks for my table top tree! We are only 4 weeks out from St. Patrick's Day. I needed to make a few more green crumb blocks and since I found a baggie of light green crumbs, well... that's what I used! I simply found a simple coloring book drawing of a shamrock to trace.

Here's my tree. I'm liking the combination of light and dark shamrocks.

pattern credit: crumb blocks (public domain)

My Strippy Triangle Tango took a turn to have the binding put on. Yes, I sew the binding on by machine to the front then flip over and finish the sewing on the back. This is the back of the quilt.

That's all I've got today. 😍

Linking up with Susan at MidWeek Makers

Monday, February 14, 2022

Design Wall Monday 2.14.2022

I decided to make a few of the QOV Floating Churn Dash blocks. Coinciding with QOV National Sew Day, the FB QOV Stars group has this one as their block of the month. Our leader Carol, also sent up a request for more pool quilts. Since my Linda Ashcraft's Dandy Stars didn't work, I thought I'd sew a few churn dashes. Another fellow quilter in the group was wondering what the churn dash looked on point. So as I made a few, I put them on point on the design wall. I just kept making them until I filled out the pattern. Now, I don't select on point settings very often so I'm not real sure what I'm doing here!

I then used the Robert Kaufman Quilting Caculator my Quilting Buddy explained to me, to figure out the size of the side and corner triangles.

Now to sew it together and figure out borders.

My latest Strippy Triangle Tango by Lisa Sutherland took a turn on the long arm. I was disappointed when two of my 'wonky meets floating' stars had pleats quilted into them. I was going to donate it as a QOV but now I'm not so sure. Maybe I'll wash it and see if it crinkles...

patterin inspiraton: *Lisa Sutherland's Strippy Triangle Tango
                                * 'wonky meets floating' star
panto: serpentine

and finally,

Saturday, February 12, 2022

SoScrappy Saturday 2.12.2022

Today is the second Saturday of February of the color aqua/teal!

One of my blocks for this year challenge is the 'wonky star'. I made some stars with the monthly color as the star center and white background.

 I also decided to make the reverse. The star center as white with the monthly color as the background.

pattern inspiration: 'Google search' or 'Pinterest search' of 'wonky stars' will give you 
                                    many tutorials on the web

Linking up with SoScrappy Saturday

Friday, February 11, 2022

Finish or NOT Friday 2.11.2022

I messaged Lisa Sutherland and she answered back, the quilts name is 'Strip Triangle Tango' and 'No, the pattern is not available for sale right now but will be included in her book to be published'.

I decided to give it one more go! Believe it or not, I used up all my its and bits of leftover 2.5 inch strips

So I needed to make more. I cut from some yardage and sew them end to end.

My math for this time, I decided to write it out...

I decided to make my panel pieces 16 rows.

I measured the length then cut it at that measurement to make the width so I would have a square.

I then cut both panel pieces on the diagonal once. (That's called the hypotenuse or 'c' in my equation!)

Here are the pieces on the design wall. One panel piece had blues sewn on either end and the other red.

Something was still off as I needed a little bit of spacer background for the stars, but it is closer to being right. My sewing must be off! LOL I think I'll wait for her book for the pattern and see if I can figure out the error of my ways!

pattern inspiration: Lisa Sutherland's Strip Triangle Tango

Linking up with Alycia at Finish or NOT Friday

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

WIP Wednesday 2.9.2022

I finished the quilting and binding on this quilt. It did give me fits but I'm not going to let it get the better of me!


panto: serpentine
pattern inspiration: *Linda Ashcraft's A Dandy Star
                                *Lisa Sutherland's QOV.I guess it's time to contact Lisa and find 
                                    out it's name!

Here I go with Experiment #3 for the above quilt. 

I decided to make my favorite 12 inch *finished* star: *Wonky meets Floating* star. 
And then there were 8!

Linking up with Susan at MidWeek Makers

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Design Wall Monday on a Tuesday! 2.8.2022

This is where I started my day.

 I sewed the stars into rows and...the stars are just a little longer. 

I thought, 'well, I'll just cut a little off the sides and add a bit if sashing and I'll be good to go!' Famous last words. I cut and measured and cut and measured. guess what? yup! The stars were too long. So I was able to ease the first row on. The second one...I couldn't ease so much!

Oh no! So out came jack to take the second row of stars off. I then took one star off and into the orphan bin with it. I added spacers to get the row to size. Right about now, I'm a little worried about my math abilities... 

hhhmmm, something looks off. I texted DD and she suggested changing the top row to the three stars, too. So this is what I I think she meant, 'remove the four star row, take off a star and then add spacers so it matches the other row'. Didn't happen, I was running out of the star background (or so I thought! I have found more).

Now, it's a little skinny and long. I added asymetical borders (top/bottom are a different size than the sides) and ended up here.

It is extremely wonky. As I told Diann and Joy, I feel like I am making lemonade out of lemons! 

I feel like I need to look at this from a different angle. Perhaps make the star rows first and then work on the center section. This project has become my current squirrel!

pattern inspiration: * stars: Linda Ashcraft's A Dandy Star

                               Lisa Sutherland's quilt below. 
                                      I don't know it's name and it's out of print.