Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Design Wall Monday on a Tuesday! 2.8.2022

This is where I started my day.

 I sewed the stars into rows and...the stars are just a little longer. 

I thought, 'well, I'll just cut a little off the sides and add a bit if sashing and I'll be good to go!' Famous last words. I cut and measured and cut and measured. guess what? yup! The stars were too long. So I was able to ease the first row on. The second one...I couldn't ease so much!

Oh no! So out came jack to take the second row of stars off. I then took one star off and into the orphan bin with it. I added spacers to get the row to size. Right about now, I'm a little worried about my math abilities... 

hhhmmm, something looks off. I texted DD and she suggested changing the top row to the three stars, too. So this is what I did...lol I think she meant, 'remove the four star row, take off a star and then add spacers so it matches the other row'. Didn't happen, I was running out of the star background (or so I thought! I have found more).

Now, it's a little skinny and long. I added asymetical borders (top/bottom are a different size than the sides) and ended up here.

It is extremely wonky. As I told Diann and Joy, I feel like I am making lemonade out of lemons! 

I feel like I need to look at this from a different angle. Perhaps make the star rows first and then work on the center section. This project has become my current squirrel!

pattern inspiration: * stars: Linda Ashcraft's A Dandy Star

                               Lisa Sutherland's quilt below. 
                                      I don't know it's name and it's out of print.


JOY @ http://joysjotsshots.blogspot.com/ said...

A great QOV project! Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving comment. Meanwhile, I found your blog on Small Quilts and Doll Quilts (and actually a few others.)

AnnieO said...

All those bias edges on the center of the quilt would definitely cause me trouble! You have expended a lot of time and effort on this quilt. It looks good.