Monday, August 14, 2023

Design Wall Monday 8.14.2023

My grand plans were de-railed!

My brother was home about 4 days from an 11 day hospital stay when he fell. He was admitted again where it was discovered that his sodium levels were dangerously low. He is also diabetic, has high blood pressure and quite a few other health ailments. So I went to the hospital both Saturday and Sunday. Our quick visit on Sunday turned into a 3.5 hour stay while my SIL went home and checked on a few things. 

My design wall is the same as I left it Last Tuesday night. I'm not sure if I am going to sew this top into a flimsy or set the blocks in the 'some assembly needed' pile. It's about 48 x 64 right now.

pattern : Mary's Double 4 Patch

I did clear off my tables so I am ready to sew. I usually move as much as I can off the floor when I leave for an extended time. I would hate to come home to a flooded basement and have quilts (and whatever) destroyed because I didn't move them to higher ground. I also started in the Tuesday night guild bag...putting 'things' away from my crumb block demo.

I did manage to face a few labels today. 4 for the Melon Patchers and one for the QOV Signature Quilt. Since it was made with mostly Casual Quilters signed blocks, I wanted to put a Casual Quilters' QOV Label on it.

Here is the QOV Signature quilt that will get the above label. I had already posted it last week, but here it is again. :)

A few random pictures from Shipshewana, Indiana. I seem to like the horses and the flowers! I didn't mean to capture some of the Amish in this picture, I was just amazed at the number of buggys at the grocery store.

One of the most pleasant surprises on this trip was 'this little bit' of sewing inspiration. It was for sale at our hotel but unfortunately not my size. :( I've been 'noodling' and 'watching' for ways to make my crumb blocks into flowers. This just might be one possiblity!

Thanks for sticking with me through this long post. :)

Sharing with Judy at Design Wall Monday.


Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

So sorry to hear about your brother - that does make a change in plans!! So good of you to be there tho!
I really like that yellow quilt - and the way you have the blocks laid out - I think it looks perfect just like that!

Jenny said...

Oh dear, your poor brother and family are going through a lot. Hoping this second hospital stay can sort things out for him.

Sara said...

Hopefully your brother will be well soon. Those labels are so nicely done. Great job!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I'm sorry to hear about your brother - hope he is better soon. I love your yellow quilt - hope you do finish it up one of these days! Looks like you have lots of labeling to do. I have forgotten to put a label on my last couple quilts - I need to get on that, too! Shipshewana looks like a neat place!

Delighted Hands said...

Tough stretch for your brother! Hope you get some grand-time soon!

Judy S. said...

Hope your brother feels a whole lot better very soon! I loved seeing your yellow quilts as well as those fun photos from Indiana.