Monday, August 12, 2024

Design Wall Monday 8.12.2024

Today is not a Design Wall but rather an update on my QOV progress.

Casual Quilter's QOV #9 has made it to the binding stage. This one is ready to pass onto the 'binding lady'.

 Drumroll, please!

Casual Quilter's QOV #10 has been on the frame and quilted. This is the last one in my 'to be quilted pile' for the Casual Quilter's QOV's!

We spent this last weekend at my in-laws property in Grayling, Michigan outside of another one of their buildings. This one is simply called, 'The Body Shop' as it was a body shop prior to my FIL owning it. He has a nice little side hustle with the camp wood for sale. A woman 'rents' the space for her structure and instead of $$, my FIL takes wood! LOL

Sharing today with Judy at Design Wall Monday.


Delighted Hands said...

Nice way to work through your backlog! This one is very good!

time4stitchn said...

Just love the silos on your header! Ambitious and incredible. Someone had a great idea and carried through on a lot of details. Yeah for completing a QOV. They love the panels in the middle.

Judy S. said...

Looks like another beautiful quilt in the making!