Friday, August 2, 2024

Finish or NOT Friday 8.2.2024

Today is Finish or NOT Friday! This week, my focus was quilting and applying the binding to the Casual Quilter's QOV's that I picked up from Lynn (the Michigan coordinator for Quilts of Valor).

 Just a reminder that I received these quilts as bundles. Some bundles had the top, backing and binding. Some had the top and backing. Some had the top and binding and some were just the top. There was NO information given as to the patterns used. I recognized a few but others, I have no idea of the pattern. :(

I already showed Number 1 and 2 but I wanted to include both in this post.

pattern: rail fence in basket weave set
panto: serpentine

Quilt number 2:

pattern: rail fence alternating with patriotic fabric
panto: serpentine

Quilt Number 3:

pattern: 16 patches alternating with patriotic fabric
panto: large scribbles

Quilt Number 4:

pattern: unknown
panto: large scribbles

Quilt Number 5:

pattern: unknown
panto: serpentine 

Quilt number 6 took a turn on DD (Dinosaur Diva) today.

pattern: MSQC Double Slice
panto: serpentine


Delighted Hands said...

You did a great job working on finishing these! I especially the like number 3!!!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Those are all so great - quilt 5 is Double slice from MSQC - only because we did that one with our high school kids!! You do such an amazing j9ob!