Monday, August 5, 2024

Design Wall Monday 8.5.2024

This Trip Around the World is one of the QOV's I volunteered to quilt. It measures 67 x 67 inches.

 I probably should have left it alone but I thought it needed a little more length. I added a 2.5 inch (cut) dark blue and then 5.5 inch (cut) flag borders to the top and bottom. I like it much better. The size is approximately 67 x 81 before quilting.

pattern: Trip Around the World

Quilt number 6 made it to the binding application stage.

Quilt number 7 took it's turn on the long arm this morning.

pattern: Rail fence in basket weave setting (public domain)
panto: Happy Times

Sharing with Judy at Design Wall Monday.


Podunk Pretties said...

I like the addition to the Trip around the world quilt. I typically like square quilts but I agree with you, it need a little more length.

Judy Biggerstaff said...

Good idea to add a little length to your Trip Around the World quilt. I have made this pattern before and it is fun.

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

I prefer rectangular quilts over square quilts, too. We humans are rectangular, after all. Beautiful colors to that QOV quilt!!!

Tired Teacher said...

Nice job on adding the top and bottom borders! The quilt looks more complete with it.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

I like what you did to it - frames that trip nicely!

Delighted Hands said...

A very fine trip around the world! The borders look great!