Wednesday, August 7, 2024

WIP Wednesday 8.7.2024

Not too much to report. Tuesday brought showers and thunderstorms to Bell Creek Quilts so NO long-arming. I would hate to have a power surge and fry anything in DD. It's a fear that her electronics are no longer available...then she would be a 50 pound paper weight. Yikes!

Quilt #7 did take a turn at the binding. Baby Brother...I'm not so worried about her electronic components. LOL

Wednesday dawned clear and bright but today was Howell Melon Patchers' meeting day. I did start a new quilt with my crumbs. This is a combination of the patterns Marbles, Bubbles and Snowball's Chance. I feel the blues are a little dark so I'm in process of using lighter blue crumbs. (I think I may have a RSC2025 block! LOL)

Did I tell you?! I've been selected to lecture at The Great Wisconsin Quilt Show 2024 in Madison, Wisconsin! It's my Scrap Crumb lecture...The Art of Spare Parts... that I've given at both the Oconomowoc Quilt Guild Comfort Quilts Sewing Day and Casual Quilters' Guild. I'm in the last slot on the last day. Saturday, September 7, 2024 from 4:00-5:00 pm.


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Ooh, I Like your crumb snowball blocks! Another great idea for crumbs. That is wonderful that you'll be giving your presentation at the quilt show! Wish I could be there.

Delighted Hands said...

Congrats on the speaker invite! These new blocks look fantastic! I keep adding bindings to the pile that need it--thanks for the inspiration!

Quilting Buddy said...

Pat, I am so excited to see that you will be in Madison! I did not see you listed on the schedule.