Monday, August 16, 2021

Design Wall Monday 8.16.2021

In my box of novelties, I also had a few 'regular' Happy Blocks. Upon closer inspection, I realized that the frames were just a tad smaller than what I had already cut...2.25 inches versus 2.5 inches (mine). I also realized that two of the blocks were mostly black background without 'anything' interesting. In the end I only kept one block and changed the frame for it.

This time, I decided to precut my frames so that I could chain piece even though the framing pieces were different fabrics.

I did cut each frame into 2-6.5 inch, 2-10.5 inch strips and the little leftovers into 2.5 inch squares. I've been lazy on cutting my 2.5 inch squares for my leaders/enders and I really need to spend some time with my current set of scraps.

pattern credit: Mary's Happy Blocks

Note to self: novelties: 6.5 inch square
                     frame: cut at 2: 2.5 x 6.5 inches, 2: 2.5 x 10.5 inches
                     block: unfinished 10.5 inches, 10 inches finished in quilt.


Sara said...

I've done a couple of quilts using Mary's Happy Block pattern. It's just perfect for using up those cute novelty prints. Your post reminds me that it might be time to start collecting a pile of squares for another one of these. Thanks for the inspiration!

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Cute novelty fabrics, and these blocks are beautiful!