Friday, July 8, 2022

Finish or NOT Friday 7.8.2022


I have a finish or two or three!

First up is my Warm Crumbs quilt. I suppose I should give it a better tamale or flames or ??

panto: hot rod

Next up is the Quickie Strippie. L👀K!!! I found a home for the leftover first responder vehicle fabric!

panto: serpentine

Third and final quilt is the Cool Churn Dashes (or are they Hole in the Barn Door?)

                                churn dash block (hole in the barn door) public domain
panto: halcyon

Whew! The first two quilts are smaller and I was surprised at how fast they went! 


Julie in GA said...

Congratulations on the great finishes! I especially like the color gradation on the first one.

Judy in Michigan said...

As always, you give me inspiration. The doggie quilt is so cute and the use of scraps in the churn dash quilt was such a good idea. I LOVE the first one and I think Hot Tamale is a great name for it. Keep up the good work.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

You've been really productive! Congratulations on using up leftover fabric and on 3 really fun finishes. The warm crumb quilt just glows!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Dang!! Look at you go!!!
The Fire one is amazing
but your quick strippie - too super cute!!!!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Those are so great, Pat! I really love the Warm Crumbs quilt especially. I need to remember how you laid that one out - I'd love to make something like that. Beautiful finishes!

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Wow! Nice finishes! I love the colors in the hot crumbs, and it has the perfect quilting, too! Way to use up the vehicles fabric.