Wednesday, October 25, 2023

WIP Wednesday 10.25.2023

I've been working on my Roman Holiday Marvel addition. Here are all the blocks.

Here it is with the borders added.

pattern inspiration: Roman Holiday by Fabric Cafe.

I went to quilt this little cutie and I was experiencing thread breaks and long-ish stitches. Oh - NO!

I went to put in a larger eye needle and then the fly wheel wouldn't turn. Oh - BOY! Upon further inspection, DH and I decided that the timing is off. I'm not sure if I will attempt to retime myself or wait for DH.

In the mean time, I pulled out the 3.0 inch cut strips for the next round of QOV Signature Blocks.

I had these sewn and cut in a jiffy. Nothing like sewing to keep your mind off your worries! This pile is 100 more Signature Squares. That should translate into 2 or 3 quilts depending on the pattern used.

I had also pulled another collection of Marvel fabric for another Fabric Cafe 3 yard quilt. This one will be City Lights from the Fast and Fun 3 Yard Quilts book.

Thanks for sticking with me to the end and listening to my 'woes'. :)

Sharing with Susan at MidWeek Makers.



Judy S. said...

Looks like another pretty project in the works! And lots more to come.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I've never made a 3 yard quilt, but they do look fast and fun! Hope your quilting machine issue is an easy fix. And I agree - nothing like sewing to take your mind off your worries!

Delighted Hands said...

I like the first quilt--nice job! I can't believe you made so many signature blocks--again! The newest 3yc quilt looks like fun!

Susan said...

Hope your machine is feeling better soon!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Aaah such a fun quilt. Love the super hero fabric. I hope your sewing machine is fixed and humming along very soon. Enjoy your weekend, Pat.