Monday, January 22, 2024

Design Wall Monday 1.22.2023

I have a mixed bag of projects I'm working on this week.

First I decided I needed to make a new Valentine quilt. I picked up a cute dog and paw heart print, along with a brown and added a red from my stash. I decided to make Suite Times from the Easy Peasy Three Yard Quilt book by Fabric Cafe.

 I also realized that my February 1, 2024 deadline for making a Lisa Sutherland quilt top for the FB QOV Working Stars is quickly approaching. I decided to use the white 5 inch squares we cut at my Quilting Buddies and my stash of blue/red 5 inch squares to make 9 patches that I will turn into D9P quilt or quilts. Now to put these blocks on the design wall and sew together!

I have enough blue for 4 maybe 5 quilts but I needed to make more red's. This was my 'go with' project when I wasn't sure what to work on during sewing days. Now I need to move this project to the 'more ugent' pile.  LOL

The first round for the SAHRR was revealed today! Signature blocks. I pulled fabric and I know how I want to proceed...

Did I mention? An ice storm is predicted for Tuesday the 23rd? Here's crossing my fingers that the  power stays on...xxxxx...

Sharing today with Judy at Design Wall Monday


Sara said...

Pink and brown is such a sweet color combo, and with the dog print that will make a really fun cute Valentine quilt. I love those 3 yard quilt book patterns.

Delighted Hands said...

What pretty ideas and blocks--I made a Valentine runner last year and am glad I have it all ready to use soon!